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  • Autograph Signs With The PGA Tour

Autograph Signs With The PGA Tour

Frankdegods Returns + MoMa Selling Art, Buying JPEGs

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This newsletter is powered by Metaversity

The College of Web3, Metaversity is a community-based education platform focused on empowering individuals with the skills and knowledge necessary to make income in Web3. Their community has given them great feedback on the course on NFT trading. The course covers the fundamentals you need to be aware of if you want to flip NFTs profitably. Check out the course here.

  • Ethereum's move from Proof of work to Proof of stake via the Merge will reduce the network's carbon dioxide levels by 99.992% according to studies. (artnews)

  • Autograph is pairing up with the PGA Tour to create exclusive digital collectibles that let fans collect the most iconic moments from the tour, unlocking rewards & utility. More on this below. (@autograph)

  • Scorpion Yachts will be the first in the yachting business to get into NFTs. Half of the fleet equity will be issued through NFTs with a fixed annual return. This is real utility and worth the read. (prnewswire)

  • Nasdaq plans to offer custody services for Bitcoin and Ethereum to institutional investors (@Blockworks_)

  • An NFT Oscar-winning actor Javier Bardem's eye is being auctioned off for a charity that is on a mission to prevent blindness in the developing world. (Guardian)

  • Some news spread over the weekend regarding a new Yuga Labs collection and the founders weren't happy. Will the rumored Mecha Apes come to light or is it just fake news? (B2C)

  • Best Buy and Ledger partner up to push hardware wallets into stores. (ledger)

  • Esports group FaZe will be dropping into The Sandbox to claim their virtual land called FaZe World. (esportsinsider)

  • Blockchain gaming firm Enjin implements NFTs into Minecraft servers despite Mojangs' lack of support earlier this month. They hope to sway the minds of the gaming giant. (cointelegraph)

  • Venture Capitalist Avichal Garg speaks his mind about NFTs being the catalyst to make crypto more mainstream. (youtube)

  • A local San Diego car wash Soapy Joe's implements NFTs to bring in new customers. (@SoapyJoesCW)

Autograph Joins The PGA Tour ⛳️

On Monday, the PGA Tour announced a partnership with Autograph, Tom Brady’s Web3 studio, to create an NFT platform that houses the Tour’s tokens, which will range from images of the players to exclusive competition-related memorabilia. Avid golfers from around the world will be able to own a piece of golf history; in digital form, and the Tour will be able to capitalize on another piece of the market. Maybe even generate more revenue to pay their players more so they don’t leave for the LIV tour.

With NFTs making their footprint in almost all of the industries in the current social atmosphere, it’s no surprise that the PGA Tour also wants a piece of the action. Partnering with Autograph makes sense because Tiger Woods, the GOAT in golf, is one of the board advisors. This deal, which runs through 2027, will revolutionize the ways that gold fans interact with collectibles, mainly. Think of them as the new and improved playing cards. According to Chris Wandell, the Tour’s president, “We’re on our 1-yard line and have the length of the field to grow… This is going to be really good for fans and players. We think it will be a game-changer.” WAGMI

Metaversity: The College Of Web3 🎓

Class has started for Metaversity! Many of their students are excited about their NFT Trading course. They get to learn about (1) how to find solid projects (2) how to use analytics to evaluate projects and (3) different exit strategies (got to take profits). On top of that, Metaversity has been having Twitter spaces with Alpha Callers to take a deeper dive on each one of those topics. This course is live now and you can check it out here.

Why are these courses superior? The Metaversity team uses an innovative combination of subject matter experts and educational theory (called pedagogy) to build meaningful, engaging, and valuable content. See for yourself here!

 DeGods/yOOts Team Returns To Twitter 🐦

Frankdegods has finally returned to Twitter after 8 days. This sabbatical was shortly after the announcement that the DeGods + yOOts team and himself will be taking some days off Twitter to resolve issues they faced during and after tOObs mint with the hope of coming back with a renewed focus on organization, clarity, and accountability. This led to the postponement of the yOOts art reveal to an unspecified date later this month. Adding to the series of delays they've had in the yOOts journey, lots of questions have been asked by degens and Frankdegods made sure he asked himself these same questions and brought the answers with him back to Twitter.His first tweet back:

In a 10min long Substack article titled “Frank is typing” Frank shared his reflections on his past year, family, NFTs, and DeGods. The article also includes a Q&A session of Frank with himself which started with him addressing the question about the DeGods team rugging to sharing the breakdown of what he and the team have been up to during the 8 days they spent off Twitter.

For questions surrounding the delays and yOOts art reveal, he made it clear that the team will not announce a date until the actual thing which they're launching is stress-tested & ready for deployment, including the y00ts art reveal and staking launch.

A lot has been talked about in the article including milestones reached since DeGods launched, venture capital for Dust Labs and many more, read the full article here.

MoMa To Sell $70 M In Art To Buy JPEGs 🎨

If you had a Picasso and a Matisse, what NFTs are you buying after you flip them? Maybe this hypothetical is totally non-applicable to you but the MoMa is certainly trying to figure out how to extend its digital reach with the plans to acquire digital art. The MoMa is liquidating 29 out of 81 of CBS’s founder’s private collections with the direction of the collection’s board. The roughly $70 million dollars that should come in after the sales will be directed towards digital art as well as engaging audiences digitally more broadly since MoMa attendance has been slumping since the pandemic.

 NYC’s thriving art culture tends to index the forefront of art revolutions and NFTs are not stranger to its streets. SoHo welcomed an NFT gallery hosted by SuperRare in May and gave city goers a taste of the future. And MoMa itself is also no stranger to the world of NFTs or its artists. Last year in November the MoMa contributed more than 200 years worth of its art metadata to digital artist Refik Anadol for his groundbreaking piece Unsupervised. 

Needless to say, the institutions (many of which that only months ago openly criticized NFTs) are definitely coming for our JPEGs.

Sponsored Content: AssetDash is a partner of The Drop and was the sponsor for this newsletter.

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