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  • CrowdPoint Unveils Vogon Tech: Silver-Backed Web3 Data Storage

CrowdPoint Unveils Vogon Tech: Silver-Backed Web3 Data Storage

Google Play Crypto and NFT Policy Changes

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Here is the breakdown of today's newsletter:

đź‘€ CrowdPoint Unveils Vogon Tech: Silver-Backed Web3 Data Storage
▶️ Google Play Crypto and NFT Policy Changes

  • The creators of the move-to-earn Solana game Stepn are launching a new crypto MMO game called Gas Hero. (DC)

  • Google Play app store is loosening its rules regarding crypto and NFT-related apps. (DC)

  • Coinbase recently added a sort of messaging service so two Ethereum addresses can privately chat on the app. (CD)

  • Apecoin recently dropped to a new all-time low, but seems to be recovering nicely. (WM)

CrowdPoint Unveils Vogon Tech: Silver-Backed Web3 Data Storage

This week, on July 11th, CrowdPoint Technologies, announced their Vogon technology. This tech aims to create data storage capabilities within Web3, which can be surmised as a Web3 virtual data center utilizing “BLS 12-381 cryptography to create a decentralized ledger that doubles as a hyper-scale cloud database. This approach stores data in a hash embedded within a JSON file, ensuring enhanced security and integrity.” According to their whitepaper, “decentralized cloud computing allows businesses to manage and store data on a distributed network of computers. This approach provides users with more control of their operations, services, and applications with increased security and scalability.”

Here are some of the key characteristics of the Vogon technology:
  • Data… Not only can you host your application using Vogon, but you can also utilize the many tools that CrowdPoint has created for its users, both for consumers and organizations. Similar to AWS, when you have data, you want to visualize it, and CrowdPoint gives you the ability to do that, in a more secure and transparent way.

  • Silver-backed… CrowdPoint has created the world’s first hybrid token called crwdunits. crwdunits are SEC-filed utility tokens backed by silver, in the sense that inflation and deflation don’t affect it as greatly as a traditional USD-backed token. Using a swap contract that is securitized with silver ensures future locked value/benefit.

  • Payment system… “CrowdPoint uses what it calls Vogon Value Units as a competitive and efficient pricing strategy because it allows customers to pay using crwdunits for the capacity they need based on the number of processors and cores that are used for their workloads. The model allows for flexible pricing, meaning customers can scale their capacity up or down as needed.” It also keeps the funds circulating, and the reserves neutral.

The Drop: Just as recently as this week, we talked about the power of data storage within blockchain technology, and this announcement by CrowdPoint shows us how companies are looking to capitalize on that. Data is currently controlled by major institutions that sell your data hundreds of times to make a profit. But it’s OUR data. And it doesn’t come without risk of attack. The Vogon technology aims to make data storage more secure with its Web3 Data Lake, along with other tools that they utilize to gather collective intelligence. If individuals or groups are looking for a new way to store their data, with the ability to buy storage and power using tokens that are easily sellable, Vogon should be a technology to look at. We haven’t seen something of this caliber in a long time. These are the types of technologies that live in the shadows yet provide a high level of sophistication and effectiveness to major parts of our sector, if properly utilized.

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