RadioShack Is Wildin'

Immutable X Partners With WAGMI Defense

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What's Dropping ⚡️

  • Yahoo weighs in regarding the incredible growth in revenue generated from NFTs over the last few years and recognizes the growing demand for digital art forms. (Yahoo!)

  • Doodles founder @poopie has purchased Doodle 3881 for 155.55Ξ ($178,124.97 USD). Doodles' current floor is 13.75Ξ.

  • Polium will be releasing the world's first ever Web 3 gaming console, a multi-chain compact gaming device. Though many are pointing at the consoles logo, which has an alarmingly similar shape to the Nintendo Gamecube logo. (Twitter)

  • ENS domain "000.eth" sold for 300Ξ ($328,000 USD). This is the 2nd largest ENS domain sale in history.

  • Is Nike further expanding its reach into web3? They've broken much new ground in the last year, and trademark leaks have started rumors about the company dipping into video game NFTs. (GameRant)

  • Creators of Pokemon Go, Niantic, have opened registration for NBAAllWorld, and upcoming game or app that will feature sneaker and gear drops, as well as similar explorative gameplay to previous games. (AllWorld)

  • Goblintown's Burger restaurant twitter @McGoblinBurger got suspended for no reason? See here.

  • ArtNet shares its thoughts on what makes some projects more successful than others. (ArtNet)

  • Robos NFT enjoy a succesfull release after months of community building. Their current floor sits at .117 and their floor is being swept constantly. (OS)

  • Coca-Cola drops pride-themed NFT collection on Polygon (MATIC). Current floor is 1ETH. (Tweet)

WAGMI Defense Partners w/ ImmutableX to Power their NFT Marketplace 🔥

WAGMI Defense is taking a slightly different approach than the crypto games that have launched over the past year. Instead of relying on complicated tokenomics, P2E and expensive NFTs and land, WAGMI is taking the KISS principal (Keep It Simple Stupid) and modeling this mobile responsive tower defense game after traditional gaming companies, only with web3 elements that make it more interesting to players (in-game assets are owned by the gamer in the form of NFTs and a PvP skill-based contest system will be rolled out as well). It is the mass adoption mentality that is driving WAGMI Games to make these decisions. That means very low barriers to entry, micro transactions, and low-cost in-game assets. But in order to achieve this, the cost of gas (Ethereum) simply had to be virtually eliminated. That is where ImmutableX's Layer2 solution became the solution that rose to the top.

"To achieve mass adoption, you need a great game, seamless onboarding, for ‘non-crypto’ gamers. and most of all, gas-less transactions'" states WAGMI Games CEO Ian Bentley. "ImmutableX / Starkware not only provides the ETH L2 technology, but also a platform and team to help us get to market faster and cheaper."

With security, mass adoption and simplicity for gamers in mind, WAGMI Games has partnered with Immutable X. This symbolizes a landmark for WAGMI Games as it eliminates gas fees or the need to own a crypto wallet to participate in crypto gaming. Not only does this partnership provide an effortless transition for normal gamers who have not touched crypto before, it ensures safety as provided by the L2 network.

🚨 Important links to check out: WAGMI Games Twitter, Official Website, Discord, WAGMI Defense Game

Above you will see the WAGMI Devs discuss the project and IMX integration with Jony Hustle on Crypto Banter - well worth the watch.

Above was a sponsored post with our Immutable X sponsor 

RadioShack's Is Wildin' On Twitter 😈

RadioShack has risen from the dirt with its extremely off-the-cuff online presence. It turns out resurrection is possible, and now this antiquated electronics convenience store has grown some legs on Twitter with online beef and eyebrow-raising posts. Who’s likely given it a new life? Well, Tai Lopez. The primary takeaway from RadioShack and its new presence on Twitter is that you should very well enjoy its humorous broadcasts, but do not let that make you forget the real reason this account is acting up.

Tai Lopez is a triple-a rug master and in many eyes appears to have no other intention other than to extract money at scale from every corner of the internet. He has already pillaged victims within Web3 with his mentor-based NFT project. The scam he played for his "Original Garage Social Club” NFT project was comprised of convincing people that mentorship is essential for entrepreneurial growth, and then positioning himself as that mentor, while finally requesting a ton of ETH in order to become the supposed mentor. Tai bought RadioShack and it appears that his play is to cash in on the fundamental humor of RadioShack Tweeting ridiculous things and then leveraging its virility to offer crypto solutions, such as performing the work of a crypto-exchange. We don't have a crystal ball but this will (likely) be yet again a cash grab and should be avoided at all costs. 

Miami Ape Mural Is Being Fixed 🙌

Meme Drop 💧

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