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  • Spirit Gates + Save Trees, Use Blockchain

Spirit Gates + Save Trees, Use Blockchain

Infected Mob Roadmap 2.0

Welcome to The Drop NFT Newsletter. Breaking NFT news, project breakdowns, & artist spotlights - We do the heavy lifting so you don't have to! Join our Discord to win raffles and allow list spots!

gm, ittttttt's Wednesday my dudes!

Tomorrow (Thursday at 3 PM PST) we have a Twitter space with world-renowned artist Terry Urban and our friends at Streetlab.io covering the Kooks NFT project. It's going to be an awesome time and we hope everyone can make it! Terry's project "Kooks" mints on October 27th - if you sign up for the space below we might be doing some ETH giveaways during the space 👀

🚨 To set a reminder for the space click HERE

  • Drake lost tons of BTC in sports best recently. (CP)

  • INCYMI (or live under a rock) the SEC has launched an investigation into Bored Ape Yacht Club creator Yuga Labs. Read our whole article covering it here.

  • Classic playing card manufacturer Bicycle purchased a Bored Ape and will be using it as well as collaborating with holders to create an Ape-themed deck of cards. (DT)

  • West coast burger joint In-N-Out files for web3 and crypto-forward trademarks. (@JoshGerben)

  • Zilliqa launches web3 gaming console with built in miner and crypto wallet (@themetav3rse)

  • Reddit has continued to help onboard thousands with their NFT avatars. (TC)

  • Blocksmith Labs announces Mercury and now supports Aptos as WL spots for Aptos NFTs are now purchasable with $FORGE. (@BlocksmithLabs)

  • Are we seeing a possible yOOts reveal and staking soon? yOOtsNFT reveals a fraction of the old artwork that was scrapped and a sneak of the final artwork. (@yOOtsNFT)

Project Spotlight: Jyothee & Spirit Gates ⛩

Jyothee Murali, or @jyxdi, is a 26-year-old Tamil artist from Toronto who has a vision of creating a spiritual community based on storytelling and lore. A university dropout and immigrant from Sri Lanka, she wanted to focus on her art career, and with the inception of the creator economy, she saw a way to make that a reality.

Jyothee has worked with the likes of OVO40, Noah Shebib (Drake’s producer and co-founder of OVO), and COACH, specifically with Michael B. Jordan (Killmonger in Black Panther). For OVO40, she created a pair of shoes for his niece and a painting, and for COACH, she was representing the company at ComicCon to create artwork that depicted Jordan as a Naruto character. In both partnerships, her art was at the forefront, which has been her vision all along.

Now, she has released her own PFP NFT collection, Spirit Gates, which consists of 3,623 pieces, all with their own rare features. The collection revolves around the story of Akiko, a strange child from Mercury who realizes that “she is able to astral project and jump through timelines”. Her mission is to retrieve the Moldevite stone before the Evil Queen, Alora. In the Spirit Gates story, it is Akiko’s destiny to restore harmony across all the clans, which is what we see with the characters present in the collection. The project was minted about 3 weeks ago, and with approximately 15% listed, the floor is currently 0.045 ETH with 34% unique owners.

For utility, and sticking to the art theme, Jyothee will paint a new art piece every month where she will create a painting based on one of the characters in the collection. That piece will then be scanned and transformed into an NFT that will become a part of the “Gems of Spirit Gates” collection. Along with that, a lucky winner will receive the physical painting from Jyothee. The team also has plans for a comic book series in the future and a limited run of hand-painted toys. This project is about evolution and storytelling; one that can last for years. With Jyothee’s commitment to art and community, this project will change based on where she wants to take the narrative. Sit back and relax. Jyothee’s at the wheel. This should be fun. WAGMI.

Save Trees, Use The Blockchain 🌲

It's no question that crypto throughout the years has always gotten a bad rap for its effect on the environment. Opponents are quick to point out surface-level statistics about its energy consumption but rarely transparent about its longer-term energy-reducing efficiencies. Although the shift to proof of stake vs. proof of work for the Ethereum network is a MASSIVE move to energy conservation (the biggest move to date), you can never shake off the haters. In a brilliant essay, Nic Carter covers all of the fake news in this writeup that has been shared throughout the space (trust me it's worth the read). 

In the spirit of conservation, The UK introduced the Electronic Trade Documents Bill on Tuesday, and the goal of the legislation is to replace the laws that require physical bills to accompany business transactions with the ability to digitize these bills. The implementation of digital trade documents is projected to produce a 1 billion Euro boost in business over a ten-year period and reduce trade contract processing times from days to seconds. 

All things considered, the World Economic Forum estimates that digitizing trade documents will reduce global carbon emissions from the logistics sector by 12 percent. Even more interesting is that these projections are based on the adoption of blockchain tech to take care of digital trade documents. Real-world use cases for blockchain tech as such paint a much more nuanced portrait of crypto and the efficiencies it can generate.

🧵 Of The Week 

Mob Studios Releasing Roadmap 2.0 🗺

The Mob studios, a multidisciplinary design studio and labs have been known for art rework, concept art and marketing graphics as their services release a new project through Roadmap 2.0 - The Cure. The Mob studios and its scientists have been cooking lore-based projects since late last year and have so far successfully built a conglomerate of projects in almost a year. The new Roadmap has been released to further propel the Mob’s manifesto ‘The Mob Does Not Compromise’ as they continue to bridge communities, showcase art, bring in new holders and provide value to holders.

The Roadmap highlights GOO, the ticket to obtaining $MOB (native token) which is the major focus of the Roadmap, holders are advised to delist and stake to earn $MOB. Primordial GOO in full is the essential ingredient that “encases” desired traits and aspects of Mob Studios NFTs. Roadmap 2.0 has been revamped to bring a whole new look to the Mob projects. Some of the new things out of the many that holders get to see are new art, a new trait marketplace, new missions, new utility, and missions.

Sponsored Content: There is no sponsored content in this newsletter however we are partnered with Terry Urban's Kooks NFT project.

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Disclaimer: The Drop DOES NOT provide financial advice. All content is for informational purposes only. The Drop is not a registered investment, legal, or tax advisor or a broker/dealer. Trading any crypto-related asset is extremely risky and could result in significant capital losses. 

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