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  • 3 NFT Trading Tools You Should Know About

3 NFT Trading Tools You Should Know About

U.S. DOJ Investigates Binance

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What's Dropping ⚡️

  • Vitalik announces his latest book, titled "Proof of Stake". You can order a signed digital copy right now, we can't wait to get our hands on some copies! (@VitalikButerin)

  • Licensing and rights can be confusing topics when it comes to NFTs. A set of free, public "Can't Be Evil" licenses have been designed by a16z and provided for the web 3 community to utilize. (a16z)

  • A brand new email service just launched from the hands of Skiff and aided by Unstoppable Domains. Skiff mail offers encrypted private email in true Web 3 fashion. (Skiff)

  • Hackers somehow got a hold of the passport info of Belarusian communities and tried to mint their Presidents' passport details. (Cointelegraph)

  • The Dame restaurant in NYC is offering VIP NFTs that will allow holders to skip their booking line. (prnewswire)

  • Rarible, the MFers collection, and Creation Coffee form an unexpected alliance over MFers coffee beans. Only 200 packs will ever be made. (@rarible)

  • Bloomberg crypto report muses over the idea of crypto retirement funds. (Bloomberg)

  • Y00tlist and main Y00t Twitter pages were revived after community efforts. (@Austin_Federa)

  • Stoned Ape Crew launches PayLeaf; the world’s first Solana POS payment solution for dispensaries. (@Stoneapecrew)

  • Squads integrate Magic Eden into its protocol to allow friends, teams, and DAOs co-own and co-purchase NFTs directly from their multisig. (@squadsprotocol)

3 Tools To Help You Trade SOL NFTs 🔥

As Solana NFTs keep soaring in popularity, the space continues to become more crowded and the noise becomes much more prevalent. The only way to navigate through this crowd is to stay up to date and keep track of what the crowd is doing. Here are 3 NFT tools that can help you achieve that:

1. Hello Moon 

Hello Moon is a tool that helps users analyze blockchain data. It translates complex on-chain data and activities on Solana into a simple dashboard for NFTs, DeFi tokens, and protocols. Some of the main features of Hello Moon are NFT analytics and price action. It gives you access to important information that helps you make informed decisions before buying or selling an NFT.

Hello Moon can be a valuable tool to deposit into an arsenal for those who want to perform their trend analysis for Solana NFTs.

2. SolRarity

SolRarity is another Solana NFT tool that you should have in your NFT toolbox. This is a handy tool, especially when you’re minting or buying an NFT. Rank #20 of DeGods was sold for over 7,000 SOL yesterday, how would you know what rank your asset is if you don’t have a rarity checker? While they have a website, SolRarity has its rarity-checking services done on a Discord server. Head to the “how-to-check” channel under the “Checkers” category to check the rank of your NFT.

3. Hyperspace

Hyperspace is a marketplace and aggregator built on  Solana by the original Solanalysis team. It is an all-in-one NFT platform that allows users to track and analyze trends across different projects, monitor upcoming drops, and provide an environment for creators to launch their projects on Solana.

ZachXBT Hacker Hunt Update 🚨

 U.S. DOJ Investigates Binance 👀

The U.S. Department of Justice is investigating Binance to better understand how robust its anti-money laundering systems are. The investigation began back in 2020, and is still active as the feds work thoroughly to ensure that Binance is entirely in synchrony with U.S. financial crime laws. They already asked Binance to share private conversations between its CEO and other executives regarding illegal transactions. They also probed internal documents to uncover any language that might suggest that the exchange tried to destroy records.

The U.S. has been able to investigate Binance under the authority of the Bank Secrecy Act which requires banks to keep all records and report them to the feds as needed. Crypto exchanges fall under its purview, and in the case of Binance it is subject to American scrutiny since it does business in the U.S. According to Binance, they aren’t worried. Its compliance staff includes upwards of 500 people stationed across the world making sure that they are working in accordance with restrictions worldwide. 

Meme Drop 💧

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